How to clean leather bag? Quality leather bags are not only a status symbol but also an investment that brings utility to your investment. Whether it is your custom leather bagsleather crossbody bagsleather duffle bags or leather toiletry bags, covering any bag with leather brings a touch of sophistication twice over what you have in hand. But over time, unfortunately, due to frequent usage, the dirt and oil settle inside your leather bag which makes it appear dull or old.

Knowing how to clean leather bag correctly, though, can bring back the shine and provide better longevity of the leather bag, to keep it mint soft. If you have no idea where to start or are terrified of ruining your prized tote, don’t fret! Here is a guide on how to clean white leather bags, keeping your leather bag looking like new with zero effort using the things you already have at home. Here is a detailed guide on how to clean leather bag and deal with ink, oil, and water marks stains and everyday care tips so that your shiny leather will not lose its shine.

How Often Should I Clean a Leather Bag?

Quite a number of individuals often ask themselves how frequently they should clean their leather bag. The answer truly lies in how often you use it. If you use your leather bag on a daily basis, it is advisable to clean it every few weeks just to remove dirt, dust, oils and other particles that may accumulate on it.

For leather bags that you do not use as frequently as the first case, cleaning them once every few months will be enough. If you take good care of your leather bag, this will help prevent the leather from getting hard and stiff after some time and any accumulation that can lead to damage in future.

Recognizing Your Leather Type

Before you start cleaning, it’s important to know what kind of leather you have. Different types need different care and using the wrong method can cause damage. Here’s a simple guide:

Full-grain leather: This is the best quality. It’s strong and looks great as it gets older. Use gentle cleaners to keep it in good shape.

Top-grain leather: It’s smooth and durable, but not very breathable. Don’t use too much conditioner or it might get sticky.

Genuine leather: This is a lower grade and more affordable, but not as strong. Be careful not to clean it too much or let it get too dry.

Patent leather: It’s shiny and easy to clean. Just use a damp cloth, but don’t use harsh chemicals.

Suede/Nubuck: It’s soft and delicate. Never use water; instead, clean it with a suede brush and eraser.

Materials You Will Need

To properly learn how to clean leather bag at home, gather these materials:

  • Mild soap or leather cleaner
  • Soft cloth or sponge
  • Lukewarm water
  • Leather conditioner
  • Soft-bristled brush (optional)
  • Leather protectant spray (optional)

Now after identifying what type of leather you have, it’s time to start cleaning the leather bags with full care and precautions: Here the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Empty Your Bag

Empty it first before you begin working on how to clean leather bag. Empty the main compartment, pockets, and internal compartments of your leather bag. And make sure to remove any small objects (e.g., coins or receipts). This is necessary so nothing was left out in cleaning especially getting dirt again inside your cleaned leather bag. Emptying your leather bag and organizing it is a part of the process to decide the best way to clean leather bag properly.

Step 2: Test in a Hidden Area

Before completely cleaning your leather bag, it’s important to test the cleaner on a hidden area of the leather bag. Choose a small, unseen spot inside or on the bottom. Apply a small amount of cleaner and look for any discoloration or damage. If everything looks good, then you can go ahead with cleaning the rest. This patch test is crucial when it comes to learning how to clean leather bag at home, in order to avoid any unexpected issues.

Step 3: Wipe Down the Surface

Use a soft cloth dampened with lukewarm water. Next, use a cotton cloth or something similar to wipe the surface of your leather bag clean from any dirt on the skin and remove traces of water in order to figure out how do you clean leather handbags. Remember that your leather could be fragile, so if you are wondering how to clean leather handbags gently use less water (to avoid the bag getting wet).

Step 4: Apply Leather Cleaner

Now it’s time of how to clean leather bag. A leather cleaner can be bought, or you can dilute very mild soap with water. Use a soft cloth with a little cleaner and rub it onto the leather in circular motion. Moreover, the surface is cleaned efficiently resulting in no impact on the leather and any affected stains dirt are removed too. Folks asking, “can I wash the leather bag with soap and water?”, then let me tell you that YES YOU CAN! Be cautious though, do dilute the soap and use only a small amount because too much of anything is not good.

Step 5: Rinse Thoroughly

Use your now-clean damp cloth to wipe away any remaining residue of the soap or cleaner from the leather bag. Just make sure to rinse the cloth often so you are not simply moving soap scum around your sink. Wondering how to clean leather bag? this step is very important since it could prevent product build-up. How to clean leather purse? Yes, you can, just go gently so as to not over moist the leather and make it worse.

Step 6: Dry the Bag

Once you are done cleaning the leather bag, pat the surface of the leather with a dry cloth to absorb any excess moisture. Place the leather bag in a room and let it air-dry with low humidity, good air circulation. The leather of your bag should never be in direct heat (radiators or hairdryers will dry out the leather), and that, ultimately causes cracking. This process might require some patience, but it is best to let them air dry.

Step 7: Condition the Leather

Also to keep your leather bag soft and not dried out with time, you need to occasionally rub some leather conditioner. Use a small amount and apply it in softly with small, circular motions into the leather. Allow to sit for a moment, then wipe off the excess. Moisturizing is very important in learning how to clean leather bag, as it restores the natural oils that are removed from the leather during cleaning.

Step 8: Protect Your Bag

Finally, it is about protecting your leather bag from further damage. You can avoid this by just spraying it down with leather protectant to shield the leather wallet from water, dirt, and sun damage. This will help keep your leather bag looking fresh longer and prevents it from new stains.

Tips for Removing Stains from Leather Bags

Stains can happen when you use your leather bag a lot. But you can learn how to clean leather bag to remove stains. Here’s how to clean leather bag with different stains.

Ink stains

Ink stain on the leather bag is very difficult to remove. An effective way to remove it is with a cotton swab saturated with rubbing alcohol or acetone. Gently mop the ink blotch up, not by rubbing off the spot, which may spread it. Once the stain is gone, clean the area with a dry towel and then add some leather conditioner to stop the spot from drying.

Wine stains

If you happen to spill some wine on your leather bag, do not let the liquid penetrate — absorb it immediately with a soft cloth. Next, combine water and white vinegar in equal parts. Dampen the corner with a mixture of a couple of teaspoons of dish soap and water, then just rub gently over the stain. After cleaning the leather bag, be sure to thoroughly dry it.

Oil and grease stains

It is necessary to actively address oil and grease stains. Begin by applying some cornstarch or talcum powder to your area of concern. Let it sit overnight to absorb the oil. In the morning, a tissue to knock off any powder should allow you to blot the rest.

Coffee stains

If you spill coffee on your leather bag, quickly dab it with a dry cloth. You can then clean the stain with the soap and water mix you made earlier. However, when scrubbing, avoid being overly aggressive, as you may ruin the leather.

Aftercare For Your Leather Bags

Once you’re done cleaning your leather bag, it needs ultimate care. To keep leather soft and prevent cracking, it needs to stay moist. After the leather bag is dry, dust with a soft leather conditioner. To prevent your leather bag from drying, apply conditioner every couple of months. If you want to retain the good look of your leather bag and wonder what is the best way to clean leather bag, this step is where most people miss out.


What is the best way to clean leather bag?

You can use a gentle soap and water solution along with a soft cloth. Remember to be careful and avoid soaking the leather.

Can I wash the leather bag with soap and water?

Of course, it’s possible to clean a leather bag using a gentle soap and water, just make sure not to completely soak the leather.

What is a good cleaner for leather bags?

If you’re looking to clean leather, it’s best to use a cleaner made for leather. If you don’t have one, you can also use a mixture of mild soap and water, which works effectively.

Is it safe to wash a leather bag?

You can give your leather bag a gentle wash, just make sure to use mild products and not to use too much water. And don’t forget to dry it completely after cleaning!


How simple and easy, right to clean out those leather bags! Good cleaning and upkeep can ensure durability and a leather bag that would last for years to come. So, you learn about how to clean leather handbags, hope you got the answer till now by which you can remove stains from your favorite leather. This blog shows us the way to how to clean leather bag and all things related to properly care for your leather bag, so that it can last long. With all that under your belt, you’re now geared up for the next time you want to breathe some life into your trusty leather wallet!

Mehdi Hussain
Mehdi Hussain
I am a dedicated content writer fueled by a love for storytelling through words. Possessing a flair for research and a passion for creativity, I specialize in creating engaging and informative content that captivates readers while offering valuable insights.

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